Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Too Tight and Sore

I should have known that I couldn't go this long without my leg acting up and doing something to prevent me from running. My calf was SUPER sore today - it hurt to walk the warm-up. I tried running the warm-up laps on the track, hoping that I could run through the pain, which I can do sometimes, but tonight was not the night. The calf got really bad really quick so Coach gave me a walking and stretching workout to do for the night. It just kept getting worse and worse and it was so frustrating. Coach was watching me stretch my left calf and was shocked at how little I was able to bring my toes up off the ground, proving that my muscles were too tight, causing the pain in my calf and then working its way up to my knee. I'm going to spend significant amount of time stretching my leg and rolling it out to break things up. I'm determined to not have another bad night like tonight, and I refuse to have this bother me by the time the race comes around. I don't want this to keep bothering me - I don't want to have to leave another track practice early because I start limping - that's just not acceptable. I'm definitely feeling pretty defeated tonight, but hopeful that I can fix this problem soon.

PS - A burger and fries from Five Guys is NOT an appropriate post "workout" meal ... it sounded good at the time but overall, it was a very bad decision.

Today's Miles: 2.5
Total Miles: 164.0

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