Wednesday, July 22, 2009

When in doubt ... run!

Tonight's track practice was slightly different than most track practices, leading to an interesting night :) We were unable to use the track because of lacrosse practice on the infield - apparently Colorado College is concerned about us getting hit by balls. Rather than bagging practice, Coach Mitch modified our workout so that it could be done on the trail that we normally warm-up on. Rather than running in circles, we ran back and forth on the trail, which is quite narrow compared to the track. We were doing a new workout, followed by some speed workouts (ahh!) and it was quite challenging to run back and forth over the same 400m path. Due to limited space, we often missed instructions because we couldn't hear Coach and were often confused as to what we should have been doing. The group of ladies that I normally run with declared our motto for the night to be "when in doubt, run"! We figured that running would always be a safe bet when you're in a running group training for a marathon :) The night went a bit long but concluded right before the skies opened up and started raining and lightning ... perfect timing!

Today's Miles: 4.5
Total Miles: 90.0

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