Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Frog Legs

I should have known that when coach started chuckling before he told us what our practice of the night was going to entail that it was going to be one of "those" nights. He tells us about a certain workout he affectionately called "frog legs". Eight laps around the track (yes, that's 2 miles which generally isn't a problem for me) but at 100m intervals paces. Easy paces around the curves (to prevent injury on the ankles and knees) and sprints down the straightaways. Now, I've gotten really good at running my distances at my pace - slow and steady wins the race - but sprints kick my butt! The purpose of this exercise is to train your body to be able to slow down and speed up to accommodate various obstacles that will come up during the race but sprinting really took a toll on my body. I will forever cringe at the sound of "frog legs"!!

On a positive note, I have the best mentor in the world, Jim. Not only did he give me a margarita before we started track practice - okay, it was a flavored shot block - but we also genuinely talked about the benefits of drinking beer before races (carbo-loading!) and after (to prevent toxins from building up in your kidneys by flushing them out). Ahh, I'm starting to really like this running thing! :)

Today's Miles: 4.0
Total Miles: 48.5

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